Parafarmacia y Farmacia Online ✠ Doctorexia

Prorelax 39213 – Aparato de masaje

The Prorelax Dermo Vacuum Massager for beautiful and healthy skin. Treatment with the appliance helps with the reduction of fatty cells (cellulite) and improves the appearance and tone of the skin, eliminating surplus fat, obtaining a slimmer figure and improving the functioning of the lymphatic drainage system. The suction massage carries out a deep massage from the inside out, generating the mobilization of the fats present in the skin cells. The massage also activates the process of lipolysis, that leads to the reduction of solid fats. The massage causes increased blood flow: the blood supplies more oxygen and other nutrients, draining off the fluids present in the tissue. Subcutaneous suction massage means a deep massage at the level of the hypodermis. The difference between this type of massage and a manual massage is based on the fact that a manual massage compresses the tissues towards the inside, while the suction massage is based on cutaneous suction with a consequent detatchment of the tissues. This technique has some very important consequences: all the vessels that pass under the suctioned tissue are opened. This means an increase in blood flow and lymphatic circulation, helping to create an important purifying effect and supplying the tissues with nutrients. Suction helps to loosen the skin tissue and the outermost layer of fat cells also begin to be broken down. The skin begins to look younger and healthier. Conditions in which suction massage is reccommended: Excess weight, Cellulite, Sore muscles, Intense physical activity, Presence of stretch marks after pregnancy and delivery, Rehabilitation after plastic surgery operations, Chronic tiredness syndrome
Masaje intensivo basado en el principio del endomasaje subcutáneo
Terapia eficaz para el estiramiento y la mejora del aspecto de la piel
Potente motor de intensidad regulable de la fuerza de succión
3 diferentes piezas adicionales para el tratamiento de diferentes partes del cuerpo
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